Hi everybody! It's your friendly neighborhood spider-man, er, Jonathan. Back with this weeks Blog-tacular goodness! (Do you ever notice how people put -tacular with other words to make the normal thing they are talking about seem super great? I wonder if -tacular means "super great", the world may never know.)
This week has been rather uneventful as far as our time here in Virginia goes. My fifth grade class is going well, our sixth student will actually be here on Monday, so that's exciting (yes, I've had five kids in my class so far, I'm so spoiled). Sarah has gotten into her classes full swing now, and even has her first big test on Monday. So that's study central all weekend for her.
One big change that has come about this week (and is happening all over apparently. I think they are calling it Hemispherical Cooling) is the WONDERFUL drop in temperature. I'm fairly sure you've read about it over in BigNate's Blog, and we've had it about the same here. Yesterday and the day before the weather was in the mid-fifties when I woke up. Of course that was before the sun came up, but even the day stayed in the mid to low seventies. It was so nice. Today is beautiful too. Even though it's a little warmer, it still feels great because it's lightly raining. Sarah doesn't like it so much right now because she's outside playing volleyball in the in it for intramural.
I'm sitting in the car right now watching her play, leeching the Internet off the school which is nice. But I'll never understand why people like sports that much. Don't get me wrong, I love that she loves it cause she's so enthusiastic about it. I just wouldn't be. I'm reflecting on my life right now, and the only two things I can ever think of that I was happy doing in the rain was camping, and paintball. But I guess those sporty people love their sports, and more power to them.
Well, this weeks EINTKILFTM is a special shout-out to Scott Carmichael, you can catch his blog by clicking his name. He commented that he had no idea on the movie last week, so this weeks should be easier for him. Incidentally all but one person guessed correctly (you know who you are, I hope, cause I have no way of checking that). The correct answer was My Blue Heaven. I don't even remember much about that movie, but that part stuck in my head. Go ahead and have a guess at this weeks. It won't shock you if you guess wrong. Have fun! Till next week, I remain faithfully yours, Jonathan.
P.s. I'm just now re-learning how to get my photos up. When my computer went down I lost a lot of that info. Bear with me as I get a new photos section started.
P.p.s. Check out the first link if you'd like to get an email every time I post. Props to Big Nate for cluing me in on that.