Monday, December 17, 2007


I know I said I'd do this last week. But I got busy getting ready to come home, so I thought I'd wait for the weekend. But then the weekend got here and I had to fill out some crazy amount of paperwork for one of my students. And then I cleaned the house, and by time all of that was done I was too tired. So I figured I'd do it Sunday. But my internet got knocked out for about half the day so now I'm just getting around to it, and guess what? I have too much to do to get ready to come home this week. I've gotta get lesson plans ready for my sub, get things prepared for the field trip tomorrow and for the Christmas party at school on Thursday. Apparently it's gonna be a busy week. So please forgive the lack of a lengthy post this time (though I hear Rhino likes the ones that take less than a minute to read), and I'll make sure to get you a nice juicy Christmas Blog next week.

Should take 0:45 to read that. Merry Christmas Rhino. :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Please stand by.

New post tomorrow. Sarah is leaving tomorrow morning so I'm waiting to do the new post tomorrow night. Please, stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

13 and 3

It's amazing how a change in environment and routine can bring something you are oblivious to normally, into sharp focus. On my way to, and from work daily I cross 13 bridges. Now normally that isn't a big deal. I've never even bothered to pay attention to any of them before. The one time I have thought about it was after that bridge collapse recently, but even then I only ever thought about the two long ones that I cross. Today however, ever bridge was very important to me. I saw them coming and started driving accordingly. Oh, did I mention? There was an inch and a half of snow and ice covering the bridges. Yeah. That'll get your attention. Not only that, but my change in routine was forgetting my cell at home today. So if I wrecked I'd have had no way to let anyone know. What's the number 3 up there for, you might ask. That's how many brides I skid on and thought, uh oh, I might just buy the farm here. Yeah. It was a stressful drive today, to say the least.

It started snowing this morning at around 5:30 from what I could tell. I decided I'd leave early and try to save myself some trouble. I left the house thirty minutes earlier than normal... I arrived at school thirty-five minutes AFTER I normally arrive. That means my normal drive is around one hour, today it was two. Who were the geniuses that decided to not delay school an hour? Then, we stayed at school all day. Even though the roads were being covered and the sky was dark with clouds, clouds that were pouring snow, and the temps were dropping with every hour. Who were the wizards that decided we shouldn't leave an hour or two early? With this track record we will probably have school again tomorrow... *sigh* I love school.

I have more that I'd like to talk about, but I may wait and write that tomorrow on the off chance that we're outta school. I'll upload the pictures from today after dinner. Other than that, enjoy your day, while I enjoy the snow.