Wow it's cold up here. So as some of you may or may not know I'm not in Kansas anymore. Actually I've never been to Kansas, but my point is I'm not in Tennessee anymore. I'm in Virginia. That's right, new Job at a school here, new school with Shenandoah University. It's a whole new experience.
Now I just want everyone to understand that I wasn't trying to flee your prescence or sneak away. I'd been planning to do this for several months. I just didn't think things would work out. So instead of telling everyone I was moving away, and then having to explain why when I didn't, I'd just wait to see if everything was going to work out. And then, well things worked out all at the last minute. I got calls from schools that needed teacher "today" and all my paperwork came through with SU and I had a place to stay and well... Things just seemed to work out. I didn't even have time to say good-bye to many of you. Sorry about that. But fear not, I'll be back and I'll come say "Hi" then.
Now for something else that you may or may not know (although I'm sure most everyone knows this) Sarah and I got engaged. It happened in January pretty quick after Christmas (the ninth if I remember correctly). It was a cold but clear day in Chattanooga, Andrea (Sarah's sister) helped me the day before to set the whole thing up. We ran to several places that Sarah and I went to on our first date and placed clues for her to find. Imagine my fear as I left these notes all around downtown, I just knew someone was going to take them without her ever seeing it. But luckily for us they were all still there. Unfortunately I did screw up one note, but it didn't keep her from finding all the rest so it was fine. She had no clue what was happening (or so she claims) and when we got to the last clue I was on my knee (because we were dancing and the move called for her to sit on my knee) and when she put the card down I had the ring in front of her. She was ecstatic to say the least.
Now some more intereststing news, John Kay also proposed to Andrea. We've all decided that since he and I are practically brothers anyway and Sarah and Andrea are sisters we should have a double wedding. It's sure to be a blast and like nothing you've ever seen. Clear your calendars people, it's August 18th.
On a side note for all my TTU friends, this weeks random fact of botswana: The total area of the country measures 231,803 sq. mi. Save Botswana.
Well, there's a little bit from what's going on in my life right now. I'll try and get an update up for you by Saturday night everyweek. We'll see what happens. :D
"Just hope the old man got the tractor beam out of commission or this is gonna be a real short trip."
I really like the way your blog looks. I'm also glad to know it is here so I can keep up with you. We miss you in Sparta Town and especially here at home. Love ya! From the #2 woman in your life! Mom
Good to catch up with you. I'm glad things are going well for you over in VA.
Wow, it looks like A TON has happened in your life lately! I'm so happy for you and Sarah! You guys look so happy, and you deserve that. Enjoy the snow! You guys make a snow angel for Ryan and I!
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