The week itself was cold and miserable though. We had that wicked Nor'easter blow through, and though it was only supposed to last two days it seemed to last all week. Except for friday. It was a B-E-A-Utiful day on Friday. About 60 degrees and perfect for our track day. The weather has been that way since. Today it has gotten into the high 60s and there is a wonderful breeze blowing through. As soon as I get done here Sarah is gonna go study outside while I play or read out there with her.
Last night we went to a benefit concert for a medical mission trip that SU is doing this summer. It was the praise and worship bands from the Methodist church and our church. It was great... except for the cats. They had kittens to give away for free. If you've spent anytime with me whatsoever you probably know two things about me... I'm colorblind, and I hate cats. I spent all week with my brother wondering where Mr. Tom was going to attack me from next (no offense to Nate or Tom, I had a blast anyway). Needless to say Sarah immediately wanted to get one and who am I to say no... :( Now all we have to decide is which one. What do you think?

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Good for people to know.
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