Edit: You won't know this because you probably haven't had a chance to read this yet, but I've edited this, cause it didn't make much sense. :D
It's Monday. I haven't been here for a while. Sorry. We moved to a new apartment, a week went by with no update. The second week came and we hadn't gotten internet yet, so another week went by. My normal day for posting got filled with church stuff, another week went by. My camera battery was lost so I used that as an excuse, another week went by... It seems those weeks can really add up. So what's been going on here? Not much really. We just got back from Thanksgiving. That was fantastic. Got to see all the family that I hadn't seen in forever, and friends too (sorry Scott, we gotta get together for Christmas). Got to see all of Sarah's family at the cabin, so that was great. Another rousing year of "Will it Burn!?" That's like a pyromaniac's game show. You ask the question, decide on yes or no, then toss whatever it is in the fire... Turns out, lots of stuff is flammable.
Now I'm home, it's raining, and I've got a chipped tooth. You ever have something like that happen and it just puts a terrible damper on your mood? Well this chipped tooth certainly has. That's what I've been feeling for the last hour. The thing that really gets me angry is apparently it's been that way for a while, I just didn't notice it. It's never bothered me, and I've never felt any pain from it. Now how is that possible. I hope I didn't chip it on my Wii... Hmm, careful Katie Nanna.
Also I'm really, really tired of driving to work everyday. That's becoming old very quickly. I can't wait for the day when I don't have an hour to drive to and from work. If you're considering a long commute, let me be the first to tell you, don't. And I'm a little ticked off because school is being nit-picky about the days I'm asking off at the end of our normal Christmas break. I want to have a couple of extra days, but they say that's not "policy". But I haven't seen that anywhere, so I'm not sure what that means. Turns out now I have a better excuse, I have to get a crown on this chipped tooth, so I'll just tell them that. So see there is a silver lining to that tooth. :D
As for good and happy things, we love the apartment. It's a huge upgrade for us, and it's not that much more ca$h. And it's got a laundry room with washer and dryer (even though the washer is on the fritz right now, but back to positive things). We have our Christmas tree up now too, which is awesome (don't tell anyone but it's been up fro two weeks now). It's on of those pre-lit jobs, which I didn't think I'd like, but am really enjoying now.
One last bit before I go, does ANYONE know what "Fox one, fox three." Means in the movies, or in reality? They say it all the time when they shoot off rockets and stuff from jet fighters. I have seen it several places in the last three weeks and it's driving me nuts to know what the purpose of that is. Thanks.
Oh, and by the way, don't go watch Beowulf. It sucked, 13th Warrior is a FAR superior movie about Beowulf.
Welcome back! Wow, I'm really sorry about that tooth. 13th Warrior will probably always and forever be the best Beowulf story. IS THERE A CAVE!?!?
To answer your question I believe Fox refers to the squadron with the number referring to the particular member of that squadron. Kinda like Red one, Red three from Star Wars. The military uses the Alpha Bravo Charlie alphabet to name them instead of colors like the rebellion did.
Hey man, glad to hear you all had a good Thanksgiving. I'll be out of work, too, during Christmas. Let me know when you'll be home.
Good to have you blogging again!
Actually "fox one" means a specific type of missle has been launched as is in the air and armed or live. And "fox two" refers to a different type or missile/weapon. I am not sure which ones are associated with which missiles and it might be that each squadron or unit does use a different missile designator for each missile.
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