Well it's been an interesting week for me. The snow and ice has finally melted (well most of it, the big 10ft snow dunes are still around, but that's about all). After the snow days I thought the kids would be riled up and crazy. Turns out not so much, they've been very calm this week. Which, turned out, was good for me. ;D This week we held the first annual Leesburg Christian School: Faculty vs. Student basketball game. Nothing like a little bit of strenous basketball against a semi-professional team to make you feel outta shape. I had plenty of smack talk the day before the game. Lots of "you're going home in bandages," kind of stuff.
Of course there is something to be said for being taller and heavier. Turns out I sent one of them to the hospital... Yikes. Not purposefully of course. We were tearing down the court, all I could do to keep up with the kid, and I jumped to block his shot, he jumped to make the shot, I brought my arms down as he was going up, and well... Wham! Elbow to head, lots of blood, and a drive to the emergency room. I didn't find out about him going to the emergency room until about half time and I feel really awful about it. I've been waiting for word from him or his family, but haven't recieved any yet... I'm hoping that no news is good news... Let's hope together.
Sarah and I also just got back from a school activities outting (that's free for students, nice) to the movies. We saw Music and Lyrics, and I must say, two thumbs way up in the romantic comedy section. I laughed out loud several times and I don't do that a lot in romantic comedies. So if you have a significant other that likes that sort of movie then I recommend watching it.
And last but certainly most important. Baby Brady was born this week. On Thursday if I'm not mistaken (if I am I'm sure someone will correct me). I'd put the couple of photos I have of him up, but I'll wait for someone in his immediate family to do that.
Oh yeah, and finally really for real last. Here's the link to my pictures. I'll try to get some old ones that have been sitting around on my camera forever up soon too. Have a great week. I love and miss you all.
Hey man great to see you too have a blog going. I always have to get my fill of Bignate's and this gives me an opportunity to keep up with the key points that are going on in your life. I hope that you're enjoying teaching and life in the great Mid-Atlantic. You know your always in your church family's prayers (including mine). Tell Sarah I said Hey and seriously Jon stop beating up little kids on the bball court (sending them to the hospital) to make yourself feel better. Ha Ha you know I'm kidding. So have a great week and continue blogging!
Love ya bro,
hi mr.johnson!!it's me!!
im seong!!
my blog is http://blog.naver.com/sbh02104
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